About me

Have you ever played this game? It's called Hungry Hungry Hippos and the point is to get your hippo to eat as many of the marbles in a short of a time as possible.
Hungry Hungry Hippos! Picture source: whatculture.com
Hello. I'm Rosa. And I'm also hungry. I tend to shovel food in my mouth in a pretty similar fashion to these hungry hungry hippos, often forgetting to chew (Oops). Such is my love of food.

As an Asian person, I have an uncontrollable urge to take pictures of all my food. (Exhibit: http://picsofaznstakingpicsoffood.tumblr.com/). I've done this since my dad bought our first family digital camera in high school and it has remained a fun hobby for me ever since. Naturally, this hobby embarrasses most of my non-Asian and Asian friends, so I decided to start this blog as a natural outlet for my food photography/creativity/whatever. It also works pretty well as an excuse--"it's for my blaaahhhhhggggg".

Here, I post things that I eat--restaurant reviews, product reviews, and some of my very own recipes. Some of my posts are nonsense, though. I hope you have as much fun reading HHR as I do writing the posts! :)

Note: I generally avoid wheat, as it tends to give me a stomach ache. But I do not eat fully gluten-free. I sometimes post things of super wheat-y items, but only will talk about them if I've taken at least one bite.

FTC disclaimer: I am not affiliated with or compensated by the companies or restaurants mentioned in my blog unless otherwise noted. All blog posts are opinion of blogger.
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